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Web Developer

The following lessons explain different concepts of programming and have been published by our members

Day 1

4 Lessons

Welcome to web development: At the beginning there was only HTML, years later CSS appeared, and that's how the web 1.0 came to life

Introduction to the pre-workInternet ArchitectureLearn HTMLLearn CSS

Day 2

2 Lessons

Then, websites got popular and CSS evolved to enable amazing layouts with boxes and also a ritch set of CSS Selectors

Day 3

1 Lesson

Then, Bootstrap came to profesionalize websites, removing 99% of the layout pain. Everything is a component from now own.

Day 4

1 Lesson

A text editor and the console, that's all you need to be a great coder. Time to master the second one.

Day 5

2 Lessons

Github is an amazing social network for developers, let's learn how to collaborate and contribute while coding.

Day 6

1 Lesson

The CMD Line has millions of tools, it's time to learn the first ones: GIT & Github, together they make collaboration amazing!

Day 7

2 Lessons

HTML & CSS are great, but the world needed interactive pages (not just beautiful text documents). Javascript comes to help us generate HTML & CSS based after the initial text document has already loaded and also re-write the website live based on the user activity.

Day 8

4 Lessons

Ok but how do we use Javascript to build websites? You have to interact with the DOM whenever an event occurs

Day 10

3 Lessons

But working with the DOM can get tricky and it's resource consuming, for that and many other reasons libraries like React.js got popular in the last couple of years. They let you create HTML and CSS using JS in a very intuitive way.

Day 12

2 Lessons

Time to start the final project! Lets review how software is build today, you'll learn and follow the same method used on the top tech companies in the world.

Day 13

1 Lesson

We have learned a lot in a short amout of time, let's work hard on finishing all the Replits, assignments and create our project Wireframes

Day 14

1 Lesson

But some react components will never be re-used, they behave more like page or layout. We will call those components: 'Views'... React will help us connect them together to create our main website navegation

Day 25

1 Lesson

Welcome to the Backend! Now you'll have access to the File System, DB and more computing power, but from great power, [insert uncle Ben's quote]... First, is there a difference between JS and PHP?