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For all the self-taught geeks out there, here is our content library with most of the learning materials we have produced throughout the years.

It makes sense to start learning by reading and watching videos about fundamentals and how things work.

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Workshops are one of the 4 proven pillars to mastery when learning technical skills, learn more.

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    Watch and interact with real experts as they solve real life challenges

    • Best approach to different problems.
    • New techniques to code faster and better.
    • Get your questions answered.

    More than one workshop

    Studies show that we forget up to 50% of new information within the first hour of learning it.

    Within a day, we had forgotten around 70% of the new information, and after a week, we had forgotten about 90%.

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    Data science, React, Python, Profile Building, Interview Preparation, and more subjects will be covered with cool projects in our weekly workshops.

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